Parent Involvement
Parent Encouraged Participation Program (PEP)
The purpose of parent hours is to provide needed help, to build community and to model Christian service. Each family is required to give a minimum of 30 parent hours per school year. Ten of the 30 hours must be in areas of designated needs, and the remaining 20 hours may be in those or any general non-designated service areas. NOTE: P.E.P. hours are not given for donations.
Designated Need Areas (Minimum 10 hours per family/year required):
Fund-raising Events: Coordinator, co-chair, committee member, set-up, clean-up, working day of the event. Some examples of past events are below:
Cinco de Mayo
Family Night
Campus Cleanup
Health Room: Coordinator or working in the health room
Yard Duty volunteers
Parent’s Association
School Board
Regular Service Areas:
Driving and/or chaperoning field trips
Faculty luncheon
Graduation luncheon
Member of Pastoral Council
Member of Parish Finance Committee
Pancake Breakfast
Parish Choir
Refreshments and/or baked goods provided for meeting or school event (1 hour maximum credit)
Teacher Aides
Upkeep of school grounds
Other services for the school/parish to be arranged by the principal