Welcome to St. Eugene’s Cathedral School

 St. Eugene's Cathedral School is a Catholic school whose mission is "to teach as Jesus did.” While recognizing our students' individual needs and abilities, we are committed to educate the whole person, fostering spiritual, moral, social, intellectual, physical and emotional growth. Our ultimate goal is to give our students the tools which will enable them to develop into Catholic citizens who have healthy relationships within their families, Church, American society and the global community.

Our Mission

Catholic Education is an extremely important part of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church He founded. Through a solid and theologically sound education, and in conjunction with parents, who are the primary and first educators of their children, the Cathedral School of St. Eugene seeks to prepare its youngest members to have a well-grounded faith, a solid education, and the ability to proclaim and live their faith throughout their lives.

Our Philosophy

With this mission in mind, The Cathedral School of St. Eugene seeks to provide an education that allows a child to see him/herself as a unique person created in the image of God and to treat others in this same light. We join with our students' parents to provide a supportive and nurturing environment in which Catholic values and morality along with educational skills will be developed. By giving children a solid curriculum as well as sound catechesis, they will be better prepared to be responsible citizens who put love of God, family, and country at the helm of their adult lives.

By instilling in our students the Catholic theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity; the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance; and, Catholic doctrine, we give them the foundation to become strong and engaged members of society who will hopefully re-evangelize an overly secularized culture.

St. Eugene's Cathedral School was born out of the afternoon kindergarten session at St. Rose School. In 1952, several St. Eugene's families enrolled their kindergartners at St. Rose School because the new St. Eugene's Parish did not have a school. The afternoon kindergarten was referred to as St. Eugene's Kindergarten.

Under the guidance of Monsignor Becker, a drive began to build an elementary school. Sixty-three years ago, St. Eugene's Cathedral School opened with three grades. The second half of the school was begun in 1954, adding a library, office, kindergarten, and five more classrooms.

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange staffed the school from its beginning in 1953. There have been many wonderfully loyal and dedicated sisters and lay teachers who have staffed the school in the last 63 years. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, who celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2012, have a dynamic charism. The mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph is: "Act with bold faith, take risks to address the ills of society, adapt to the needs of the time, offer a compassionate presence. They see themselves as "people of unity and instruments of reconciliation." The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange were present in St. Eugene's School until the school year 2014-2015.

At this time, a member of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa, a new diocesan order, began serving in the school as the religion director and junior high religion teacher. The mission of the Marian Sisters is "animated by a desire to magnify Jesus Christ in and through our lives of consecration to Mary." The Marian Sisters are called to a life of total consecration to Christ and His Church, take the Blessed Virgin Mary as their inspiration and model, and dedicate their time and talents completely to the service of God and neighbor.

In the year 1996, St Eugene's Cathedral School added a preschool, and now serves students from ages three to fourteen. The current pastor is Father Frank Epperson, appointed rector in 2012, and the principal is Dr. Adrian Peterson.

Ready to Join the St. Eugene’s Community?

Learn more about our application process or attend a school tour with our principal today!